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Ionia Public Schools wants the best education possible for each and every student. Committed to the process of continuous school improvement for more than two decades, Ionia Public Schools offers a high-quality educational program.

The curriculum must be challenging, contemporary, and useful to keep students interested and to help prepare them for work, further training or college. Convinced that training beyond high school is critical to every graduate, Ionia Public Schools strives to teach its youth the importance of becoming independent and life-long learners.

The Ionia District has an articulated K-12 curriculum in math and science, English Language Arts, social studies, health, foreign language, and physical education. The district's curriculum incorporates the grade level objectives of M-STEP, Michigan's Grade Level Expectations, and the Common Core State Standards.

The system of continuous school improvement has led to new courses and new challenges for students in the IPS district. The District School Improvement and Curriculum Council review curriculum changes generated at the building or department level. The most recent minutes of the DSICC are available.